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County of Ventura Bridge Management Program
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County of Ventura Bridge Management Program

Most jurisdictions have pavement management programs to prioritize pavement rehabilitation work and optimize use of funds. But what about for bridges? How can an agency manage their bridge assets and prioritize their bridge maintenance, including those not inspected by Caltrans?

The County of Ventura Bridge Management Program (BMP) is an organized database to develop a bridge

prioritization on where and when an agency needs to invest and budget for required rehabilitation or

replacement of both their NBI (National Bridge Inventory) and non-NBI structures. The database provides all necessary bridge structure information including general structural information, recommended and required repairs, maintenance requirements, detailed reports, and site-specific information.

The BMP has tools to perform the ranking and listing of structures based on adjustable

parameters, required repairs/maintenance, load rating, and capital improvement needs. In addition to

the rankings and listings based on adjustable parameters, the program will also list structures that require special attention to scour, sufficiency ratings, and required inspections.

The BMP database can be expanded by adding bridge inspection reports, as-builts drawings, photos, GIS interface, maintenance reports and other relevant information to the inventory.

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