Construction Site Safety Suggestions

Innovation initiative that requests contractors share their recommended safety suggestions for construction sites.

*Website Revised to more broadly call for Construction Site Safety Suggestions

Caltrans is soliciting Contractor input for making construction sites safer. Safety is the number one goal of Caltrans and to this end, Caltrans is reaching out to our Contractor Partners to gain input and ideas regarding making our construction sites safer. These submitted suggestions will serve to strengthen safety on Caltrans' projects.


We have recently revamped our website to call for construction site safety suggestions. Formerly, we had asked only for input pertaining to work zone safety devices. In more broadly calling for safety suggestions for construction sites, we will be able to receive greater input and be more effective in addressing construction site safety.


Examples of construction sites where safety suggestions can be made include, but are not limited to:


1. Construction sites that provide workers no means of escape from motorized traffic, such as tunnels or bridges

2. Construction sites operations of two weeks or longer with substantial worker exposure to motorized traffic

3. Construction sites with posted speeds of 55 mph or faster, especially when combined with high traffic volumes 

4. Construction sites operations that place workers close to open traffic lanes 

5. Roadside hazards, such as drop-offs or unfinished bridge decks, that will remain in place overnight or longer

6. Any construction site that could benefit from a safety suggestion


Caltrans’ goal is to tap the broad experience of our Contractor community to find innovative solutions to increase the safety of our work zones. Caltrans will carefully review the make a construction site safety suggestion or comment it receives in the coming months and will work toward partnering with Contractors to implement the most useful suggestions received. Thank you!  



Please Note:

  •  All submission information will be viewable to all visitors to this website.
  • You must register and login to make a construction site safety suggestion or comment. You do not need to login to browse submitted suggestion.


Making a Suggestion


To make a construction site safety suggestion, click the button above titled "Make a Suggestion". You will then be prompted to complete all form fields which captures the nature, scope, and critical information that supports communicating your suggestion.


Browsing Submitted Suggestions


To browse and view submitted suggestions, click the button above titled "Browse submitted suggestions". This will take you to a pinterest style view where you can click on and view each suggestion and sort by what was added most recently or by a randomized view.


Comment on Submitted Suggestion


We encourage all users to share their expertise by commenting on the submitted construction site safety suggestions, aiding in their scope development prior to subject matter expert review.


For questions regarding the construction site safety suggestions or for issues utilizing this online platform, contact Joel North at

 Dina El-Tawansy

Dina El-Tawansy

District 4 Director



Donna Berry

Donna Berry

Chief Engineer

Judging Criteria



Ensure your proposal is aligned with the sponsor's mission and meets all criteria



Great proposals will start with the right problem and address a real painpoint



Fulfill a costly need in the market and showcase your product or service differentation



Proposals must include great ideas, but also produce sustainable business value



Thoroughly research the risks and provide details on how they might be addressed



A team with relevant experience and expertise can set a proposal apart from the rest.


255 California Street, Suite 1100
San Francisco, CA 94111